
Member for
15 years 2 months 26 days
Find a Grave ID
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Please READ Find A Grave FAQs before requesting memorial transfers.

I am happy to make corrections, additions, links so long as:

"Please email any corrections you find to the individual who created the record. Most memorials will have an 'Edit' tab on the upper right side of the memorial.

PLEASE USE the "EDIT" TAB on the upper right side of the memorial to send corrections. I will gladly add any obits and will add links to family members.

Click on the 'Edit' tab, then click on the 'Suggest a correction' link on the Edit page. Follow the instructions to submit your correction. An email will be sent to the contributor who manages the memorial page........."

"Be sure to include a link to the memorial record that needs to be corrected, as well as any information about the record that needs to be corrected or added, such as the individual's full name, birth/death dates, cemetery name and location, father, mother or spouse's memorial ID # to be linked to, etc."

Those who contact me and fail to include their email will likely not get a reply.

Please READ Find A Grave FAQs before requesting memorial transfers.

I am happy to make corrections, additions, links so long as:

"Please email any corrections you find to the individual who created the record. Most memorials will have an 'Edit' tab on the upper right side of the memorial.

PLEASE USE the "EDIT" TAB on the upper right side of the memorial to send corrections. I will gladly add any obits and will add links to family members.

Click on the 'Edit' tab, then click on the 'Suggest a correction' link on the Edit page. Follow the instructions to submit your correction. An email will be sent to the contributor who manages the memorial page........."

"Be sure to include a link to the memorial record that needs to be corrected, as well as any information about the record that needs to be corrected or added, such as the individual's full name, birth/death dates, cemetery name and location, father, mother or spouse's memorial ID # to be linked to, etc."

Those who contact me and fail to include their email will likely not get a reply.

Search memorial contributions by Larry

